Floppy Disk Preservation Project
These are sites with more information about Commodore hardware, software, history, and other things I find interesting. These are in no particular order. Please e-mail me with any dead links, changes in the descriptions, or new additions. We welcome all new friends!

Joe Forster's Home Page
This is a treasure of information from one of the pioneers of interfacing Commodore equipment to PC's. His Star Commander program is an invaluable resource. His pages contain information on building all the cables and adapters you might need, and he also sells them pre-made in his online shop. They are top quality (it's what I use) and highly recommended.

Ray Carlsen's Home Page
A great guy who offers his repair advice and database free and can help you get that old Commodore equipment back up and running.

Gamebase 64
A huge, all encompasing resource for C64 games. They have collected and cataloged more than 17,000 different C64 games with screenshots, publishers, and notes about each one.

The Software Preservation Society
Formerly known as C.A.P.S. (Classic Amiga Preservation Society), this team is now archiving all forms of old floppy media. They are beginning to support other formats besides the Amiga, possibly even the C64 in the future.

Dr. Markus Brenner's (Minstrel's) Commodore Page
Markus has made great contributions to the C64 archiving scene with his original MNIB and MTAP tools. He also contributed code to VICE and other projects. Our archiving tool is a derivative of the last released version of the MNIB project and still bears that name in his honor.

CCS64 Emulator
A great emulator by Per Hakan Sundell is a lightning-fast cycle-exact implementation of the C64 and drive that runs pretty much everything we throw at it. It now even supports "weak-bit" protection needed for some tough protected titles.

VICE Emulator
VICE is an open source Commodore emulator. It emulates the C64, C128, VIC-20, and various PET models, as well as all their peripherals.

Project 64
The most comprehensive source for Commodore Computer manuals on the internet. Here you will find manuals for everything Commodore, from games to hardware.

Peter Scheper's pages
Includes information about his 64copy tool, the F64 format (now defunct), and more information about adding a parallel port to the 1541. Peter now builds and sells transfer cables as well.

Commodore FunPage
F. Yarra's site has many interesting articles about copy protection and alse features an archive of old copy programs.

The Commodore Knowledge Base
Technical articles, repair notes and documentation about Commodore 8-bit computers. Contains lots of historical documents that are very interesting.

Commodore 64 Tape Game Preservation Project
A project similar to mine but focusing on original tape archival.

The Ultimate C64 Tapes Page
A different tape archival project.

Lemon 64
Contains reviews and discussions of C64 games and scene demos past and present.

Atari 8-bits Preservation

Sword of Fargoal
Jeff McCord put up a website about his creation, the Sword of Fargoal.

The Almighty C64
Forrest has a page with game reviews and utilities, including his own Windows-based D64 editor.

The SixtyFour Originals Database
Great page with high-res manual scans and all the goodies I don't currently preserve.

JAC64 Java C64 Emulator
Cool C64 emulator you can embed in a web page.

Mayhem in Monsterland
Mayhem's C64 Collection

C64 Copy Protection
Documenting the History of the C64 protection scene

C64 Registry Stats
Total Registered: 4668
Top 5 Earliest Serials:
Unknown: 0019
Charles Lynch: 0021
Caj Rollny: S00001044
Jeremy DuBois: S00001185
John Justice: s00001281
Latest Serial
Roberto Sfardini: UK817816433
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Apple ][ Registry Stats
Total Registered: 310
Top 5 Earliest Serials:
Unknown: A2S1-0001
Jef Raskin: A2S1-0002
Liza Loop: A2S1-0010
Bob Bishop: A2S1-0013
Achim Baqué: A2S1-0025
Latest Serial
Paul Hagstrom: A2S2-1497165
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All content copyright (c) 1971- by Peter Rittwage. All programs mentioned are copyrighted by their respective owners.